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7 tips for safer s3x

4. Limit Partners:

There is nothing cool about having countless sexual partners. In fact, this is one sure way of increasing your chances of catching a disease. Stick with as few partners as possible (preferably one), this way, you are less likely to be a victim of sexually transmitted diseases, and even if you do get one, tracing its history will be so much easier as this improves your chances of getting cured faster.

5. Be Careful Mixing Sex and Other Drugs:

It is important to note that having sex under the influence of drugs or alcohol will lead you to make mistakes you would not normally have made. Drunken sex might sound fun but being inebriated would only reduce your chances of making sensible decisions. You certainly need all your faculties when making decisions that concern sex as repercussion of not doing so could be deadly.

6. Birth Control Do Not Prevent Diseases:

A lot of women become so comfortable because that are on one type of birth control or another that they forget that while these might prevent unwanted pregnancies, they do not keep you safe from diseases. If you have an active sex life and engage in casual sex, then condoms should be used in addition to your contraceptives.

7. Sterilize Toys:

If you involve sex toys in the bedroom, then make sure you keep them clean and sterilized. It does not matter if you only have one partner. If a toy is infected and you end up using it, it could cause some kind of issues that might lead to a serious disease. There are different kinds of cleansing product specifically for sex toys. Purchase them and use them regularly.

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